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Writer's pictureLucy Wallington

Solving confusing & chaotic personal finances, simply!

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

macbook in the kitchen displaying a monthly budget template from budgeting and planning
Monthly Budget Template

Imagine being able to know exactly how much money you have at any time day or night?

Seeing her eyes light up & a smile dance across her face I knew my suggestions were a "ping" 💡 moment.

Mentoring will take you by the hand & lead you to where you want to go with some inspiration & life skills thrown in along the way.

When you want someone to just sort your budget out for you this is the closest thing to it!

The truth is your income & expenses can be a mess as you never quite know whether something's gone out or not mid month & then you remember that car service that means you'll be back in your overdraft in a week & the insurance went up...

Sometimes getting on the front foot seems impossible.

I'm not saying it's easy, bloody hard at the moment to be fair, but as Maya Angelou put it so beautifully:

That's what I'm here for.

To teach you stuff I've learned over the past 30 years and still learning!

Little things can make a big difference. Try these on for size.

Solving confusing & chaotic personal finances, simply!

1. Define what you need & seriously challenge everything!

If you HAD to have only a survival list right now, what would be on it?

Ask yourself at each item, do I really need this?

And do I really have to pay this much for it or is there another way to get it cheaper?

Do you have debt? Credit cards? How expensive are these? How much does the interest cost you?

Have a couple of figures in mind, one being how much you're paying them off by each month & the other is how much you WANT to pay so you can be free of debt more quickly.

Just a thought not necessarily an action for now.

Not all debt is bad or unmanageable but most debt feels icky don't you think?

Imagine not owing money to anyone? (maybe just the mortgage) How would that feel? How much more money would that free up every month?

Are you part of a couple?

Are you in agreement with your decisions?

When you've settled this write how much your essentials comes to each month AND CIRCLE IT

Times this by 12 for your yearly amount AND CIRCLE IT.

How much of your income monthly & yearly do your essentials take up?

60%? 70%

You might like to open a 2nd bank account specifically for your daily living essentials like public transport, petrol, food etc. so that you can properly keep tabs on how much you're spending in these areas.

Having it separated is like using CASH - you can see it reducing which is powerful & helps you to keep your essentials in line so that you have more to spend on gorgeous things.

If you're using your banking app or other, it will alert you to your spending & you can cross reference it to what you said you were spending in this area.

This is why I say the 2nd account can really help - separating it is creating a mini budget for this stuff.

2. Save some & spend the rest

Most of us say we'll save some IF there's any money leftover. Guess what?

How about you look to save some of what's left over now your essentials are sorted?

You've got a roof over your head, you have food, bills are paid, money to get to work, kids essentials ...

So, how about you decide right now, how much you'd like to have in your savings account by the end of the year & see how much that is each month.

Set up a direct debit now, then it's done. Pay it like a bill.

The art is not in making money but in keeping it - a Jewish Proverb

3. What you've got left over is yours to enjoy!!

"There's no way I've got that much left over"

I hear this all the time when we do this exercise in mentoring sessions.

Why do I hear this?

Because when your outgoings are all over the place you never feel like you've got much left over.

A takeaway here, an ice cream there, a few bits in TK Maxx & some new bits for the kids in Aldi ADD UP you just don't realise it.

Now you know what you've got leftover each month - maybe put this into a 3rd separate bank account - same bank is easiest I've always found.

Now ONLY use this account when you buy things that are not an essential.

If you want to be really sensible, when buying non essentials with your supermarket shop, pay for them separately on this card.

It will open your eyes to all those little buys that are zapping your disposable budget so you always feel like you've got not money.

Allow yourself to acknowledge how much you HAVE got each month and spend it as you like - it will shift your thinking about what you really want to spend it on trust me!

To book in a mentoring session with me you're welcome to a 15 minute free chat so you can feel confident it's either the right or the wrong decision for you:

Or just got for it!

So here's my take on; Solving confusing & chaotic personal finances, simply!

What do you think?

Love from

Lucy x

ps. This is not financial advice because you need an FCA Regulated FA to help you with longer term investments & products. This is helping you to organise what you've already got so that it's one less thing to worry about.
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Aug 01, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Sounds so much clearer!

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